5.03 (14 March 2016)
- Added Quick Return pattern, it hides/shows action bar based on user behavior, giving more device space for the content.
- Added option to remove Google adsense units from post content (in Account Settings tab)
- Moving androapp to https, making your connection to androapp more secure
- Added wordpress audio/video support (no need of publishing new apk)
- Fixed internal link not opening in webview issue
- handling affiliate product buy button (for woocommerce)
- Fixed post title showing junk characters in push notification issue
- Added splash screen, you can set your own image, by default application icon will be shown
- Added RTL Support for languages like persian, arabian urdu etc. App will automatically convert to RTL mode for languages which need RTL. menu position etc will change to right side.
- Better Resolution for Push Notification image for news theme
- fixed display name issue
- Updated push notification registration, using latest GcmListener instead of broadcast receiver from google.
- Fixed Admob interstitial ad not showing issue, until appnext placement id is put
- Corner fix for woocommerce sites when no shippable countries are present
- Added product tag links support for woocommerce
4.06 (17th January 2016)
Added search, it might not work properly if you are using any search plugin, please check and disabled in on Configure tab.
4.05 (14th January 2016)
Added AppNext Ads Support
Ability to show interstitial ads on page swipes
Option to change top and bottom ad unit types
Fixed cart icon visible on Comments Settings Screen
Reduced free period to 1 month for new users
Few more fixes
4.0.4 (10th january)
- option to show a post or page on homepage
- Showing Vendor info for woocommerce app with WC MArketplace plugin.
4.0.3 (7th january)
- Fixed comments issue(caused in last build), all the users who are using app version 4.0.0 and having comments option enabled, please update the app.
- option to show list of pages on the homepage instead of posts.
- few minor fixes.
4.0.2 (1st jan 2016)
- woocommerce beta
- default settings option for do not send push notifications
- Sticky top/bottom ads on post page
- not supporting api versions less than 11 anymore, i.e. supporting Honeycomb or later
- Check your renewal date on Get Started tab of AndroApp settings page
3.0.0 (09 Nov 2015)
Loading icon on homepage screen
, it gives the correct error message for the new user
Gmail like Swipe Left Right
feature on post pages
- Animations on every transition
Option to set status bar color
Task Description color
same as app action bar background color
- Some background changes to make the app faster, it keeps less data in memory and releases unused resources while moving in-out from one screen to another
- Added option to change texts used in the app, you can change the text on the fly
- Tracking outbound links
- Added few more ad size options
- Added Google Analytics support
- fixed multiple sound issue on receiving push notification
- Added wordpress comments support, need to create a new build
- sending external links to browser
2.0.2 (14 Sep 2015)
- Handling pages, posts links in menu options correctly.
- Removed push notification type settings. in the interest of end user, two continuous notifications will be shown separately and if user does not see or take any action, more notifications will be added to the stack automatically, sound and vibrate is also more controlled now.
- Fixed issue: interstitial ad not shown sometimes
2.0.1 (11 Sep 2015)
- pre-fetching home page data on stack push notification
- controlled sound notification, now ringing only twice in a row
- Removed dedicated facebook and whatsapp share icons as it makes UI more cleaner, share icon is directly visible now.
- Reduced apk size from 3.3MB to 2.0MB, a 43% reduction in size.
2.0.0 (30 Aug 2015)
This is s big release
- Added new News theme.
- enhanced round corners with shadow boxes in default theme.
- Now you can change theme colors at the runtime, you can change your app colors anytime.
- Using thumbnails for featured images, to enable faster loading.
- Added post title, author, time ago, category in post detail page.
1.0.8 (24 Aug 2015)
- Some bug fixes
1.0.7 (22 Aug 2015)
- Showing featured image on top on post page
- Fixed blank screen issue(was added by mistake during video enabled release)
- Fixed Html not loading properly on some devices issue(This was also due to video changes)
- (upgrade must if your app version is in 1.0.4)
1.0.6 (19th Aug 2015)
- Added Video support
- Giving preference to featured image for preview image
1.0.5 (13th Aug 2015)
Fixed crash on bringing the app to foreground from background, this was reproducible sometimes on low end devices.
- Enabled image sharing from whatsapp and other share channels(gmail, linkedin, facebook etc.)
- Added Utf-8 support on post page
- Escaping html text while sharing, such that text is displayed properly in whatsapp and other sharing intents.
Added option to select javascript files and add custom css for postprocessed content.
Small fix for push notifications.
Fixed menu issue
Version 1 of the app.
have a problem with generet apk link—-Please generate the build from production server of http://wbtunes.com.
Due to security issues, We don’t allow to generate build for other’s website.